Please click the above words “Welcome China, please listen up” to see this entire post.
Welcome China!
Lately my website logs show a huge increase in visits from readers in your country (as well as many other countries around the globe) to my post about Wang Jiuliangs’ film “Plastic Kingdom“. Or this page about a screening of the latest cut of his film.
I met Jiuliang a few years back while he was filming this important and disturbing documentary showing the environmental damage done by the horrible recycling practices of your country.
Prior to this increased interest in my post about Wang’s film, virtually every visit from your country was from someone trying to hack my website in order to conduct nefarious business.
After months of trying to stop this nonsense, I gave up and decided to block nearly all of China from visiting my blog.
This decision did not come easily, as I am well aware that much of the cheap plastic garbage that shows up on the western shore of North America comes from China. Denying access to the maker of so much single-use stuff that ends up being tossed seemed wrong. But every time I left access open to China, your citizens continued trying to hack my blog for their own interests. My simple blog is one of millions of WordPress blogs under siege every day.
With the election of our new president (please note: I had nothing to do with Mr. Trump becoming president), as well as the increased interest in the film “Plastic Kingdom”, I decided to temporarily allow China access, given The Donald’s yuuuuuuge fascination with China (especially Formosa, err I mean Taiwan).
With this newfound access to my most important blog, I ask that you please stop trying to peddle porn, store illicit software or otherwise compromise what I pay for to share my thoughts with my fellow global citizens over the free Internet.