Help clean up Tomales Bay, then enjoy an oyster BBQ.
Go here to register.
Show up a little early to the activity field at Marconi.
845 am show up
900 am – noon show the bay some love
noon – 200 pm enjoy a bbq oyster feast
Help clean up Tomales Bay, then enjoy an oyster BBQ.
Go here to register.
Show up a little early to the activity field at Marconi.
845 am show up
900 am – noon show the bay some love
noon – 200 pm enjoy a bbq oyster feast
Click on the words above “More images from the exploration by NautilusLive and crew” to see this entire post.
Nautilus has returned to port from the exploration of Bodega Canyon and is now headed to Astoria Oregon to study
the Olympic Coast NMS and Quinault Canyon
Here are some more screen captures I recorded while watching live last week.
An amazing adventure.
Click on an image to see a larger version.
Click the above words “NautilusLive explores Bodega Canyon in Cordell Bank…” to see this entire post.
Point your browser here to see live video from ROV’s associated with Nautilus Live.
Here are some screen grabs from Tuseday night and Wednesday.
Click the above words “NautilusLive explores Bodega Canyon in Cordell Bank NMS” to see this entire post.
Point your browser here to see live video from ROV’s associated with Nautilus Live.
Here are some screen grabs from last night (Monday)
A big shout out to the folks over at They love sea pigs and would be happy if you paid them a visit.
To learn more about sea pigs, go see the experts here.
Click the words above “Whale Watching off Bird Rock” to see this entire post
A few weeks ago a friend invited me to go out salmon fishing on his boat.
It had been over 40 years since I had last been out salmon fishing, so I was more than a little rusty.
He assured me we’d be fine, as he had been going his entire life.
Earlier in the week the salmon were being caught in great numbers.
This day, we caught one. The 40+ boats around us in the vast expanse of the Eastern Pacific pulled in a few as well.
But, this day was not really about salmon fishing.
Today was a day for whale watching.
We were surrounded by not just any whales either.
Blue whales! Everywhere.
Sometimes so close as they came up for air, the sound of their exhalations startled me as I peered at the fishing poles under tension on the opposite side of the boat.
With our skipper keeping an eye on the rods, and the other man aboard at the helm, I manned the long lens to record what you see below.
Click on the words above “Best Management Practices (BMP) meeting audio…” to see this entire post.
On 17 July, 2017 at the Marconi Conference Center in Marshall California, over 75 people from all aspects of shellfish aquaculture, including local and non-local residents attended. The announcement for this meeting may be found here.
Below are several audio files that I recorded that include the entire meeting, excluding some transition noise between speakers as well as some audio at the end when the entire room erupted in conversation.
I apologize for the audio quality, though I think you will be able to hear most everyone. Possibly some quiet audience members in the back of the room may be hard to hear. Use of headphones will help.
Below the audio files you’ll find the presentation given by Kirsten Ramey from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
You’ll also find images of the audience comments taken by Randy Lovell and Susan Ashcraft, as well as these same notes transcribed to an MS Word file.
These presentation and notes files were sent to me by the meeting moderator, Heather Benko, Sea Grant Fellow.
Introductions – Heather Benko – 12:19 minutes
Randy Lovell – 17:32 minutes
Susan Ashcraft – 21:04 minutes
Kirsten Ramey – 12:27 minutes
Kirsten’s presentation is here.
Audience input part 1 – 42:19 minutes
Audience input part 2 – 43:59 minutes
Audience comments recorded by Randy Lovell here.
Audience comments recorded by Susan Ashcraft here.
Both sets of notes transcribed to text file here.