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Help restore 300 miles of historic salmon spawning habitat!
Dear Reader,
The California Water Board wants to hear from you about how dams impact water quality in the Klamath River. The agency recently restarted a process to bring the dams into compliance with the Clean Water Act and must draft a new Environmental Impact Report.
The Water Board could recommend dam removal as the only viable alternative to restoring clean water in the Klamath River – or they could compromise, fail to uphold water quality standards, and allow PacifiCorp to operate the dams for the next 50 years. Please click here and urge the Water Board to support dam removal.
In addition to submitting written comments, please consider joining Klamath Riverkeeper staff and members at public hearings next Monday in Arcata or Tuesday in Orleans and Yreka. Click here for details.
Why this? Why Now?
Congress failed to pass legislation before a December 2015 deadline that would have implemented the multi-stakeholder Klamath Settlement Agreements for dam removal, water sharing, and restoration. While many stakeholders are frustrated with Congress, the Klamath Settlement Agreement process produced new scientific evidence showing that the dams violate the Clean Water Act and must be removed.
The good news is that dam owner PacifiCorp continues to publicly support dam removal as long as the company receives protection from liability during and after dam removal. In August 2014, PacifiCorp applied for a Clean Water Act certification from the state of California – a prerequisite to dam relicensing. This certification process allows the Water Board to set conditions for dam relicensing that leave no alternative but dam removal.
Please take this important action and spread the word today.
For a free-flowing Klamath,
All of us at Klamath Riverkeeper