The California coast bears no resemblance to Atlantic City, thankfully.
For good reason.
To keep it this way you need to write governor Brown and chair Gonzalez NOW, see below for details.
For over 40 years, the California Coastal Commission has been tirelessly working to protect this priceless gem from selfish development.
Earlier this year State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson introduced SB-1190 to prohibit private, off-the-record communications with Coastal Commissioners that could influence decision-making.
This important and needed piece of legislation has been shelved by way of some political BS-ery.
Please write Governor Jerry Brown and committee Chair Lorena Gonzalez and tell them you want:
– SB-1190 to be passed
– A ban on ex-parte discussions between anyone and Coastal Commissioners
– Transparency on all Coastal Commission matters
Governor Jerry Brown Phone: (916) 445-2841
Chair Lorena Gonzalez Phone: (916) 319-2080
Twitter: @LorenaAD80 with #saveyourcoast
Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon Phone: (916) 319-2063
Please act now!
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If you want the California coast to look like this, do nothing:
If you want the California coast to look more like this, ACT NOW! It won’t protect itself.
Read more about this important matter in the LA Times.