Impact of homeless camps in Berkeley CA – Ashby at Shellmound – 2 February 2019

Click the words above “Impact of homeless camps in Berkeley CA – Ashby at Shellmound….” to see this entire post.

Below images show the areas along West Frontage Road near University and Ashby Avenues

Click on an image to see a larger version, then click on the dimensions above image name to see it full sized.

If you’d like to educate yourself about one of the major causes of the opioid crisis depicted below in images, read the following articles:

Sackler Embraced Plan to Conceal OxyContin’s Strength From Doctors, Sealed Testimony Shows

Origins of an Epidemic: Purdue Pharma Knew Its Opioids Were Widely Abused

Investigation: The DEA slowed enforcement while the opioid epidemic grew out of control

The Family That Built an Empire of Pain

Full Coverage: Oxycontin Investigation





















3 thoughts on “Impact of homeless camps in Berkeley CA – Ashby at Shellmound – 2 February 2019

  1. Not a single picture shows the effect of the homeless camps on the environment but just the extreme squalor that they are forced to live in

  2. Take a picture of the surrounding building if you want people to what their real lives look like as well. Not to mention just down the street. I know exactly what what neighborhood those pictures were taken in and there are a lot more telling images of what actually is taking place there than your attempt to blame the condition of Marin beaches on east bay homeless.

  3. Pingback: Site, Services, and Beyond—An Interdisciplinary Approach to Housing Insecurity in Berkeley – CP140 Urban Design Class Blog

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